July 23, 2010

2010 Capital Fringe Festival Wrap Up: Lessons Learned

I returned recently from ten days in Washington DC telling stories at the 5th annual Capital Fringe Festival. I'll have more to say both about my run of shows and the other performances I encountered, but here's a quick summary of some of my experiences.

  1. Solo performers support solo performers.
  2. A hundred and thirty shows to choose from? Doesn't matter how good your postcard is. You need buzz, targeted marketing, and personal connections. And, in DC in the summer, an air-conditioned venue.
  3. And a good title.
  4. Be nice to the venue manager. Among other things, she's in charge of the air conditioning.
  5. Whether there are 12 people in the audience or 50 people, you still have to deliver.
  6. Media outlets don't have storytelling critics. So if they send a theatre critic to review your show, they may not understand what you're doing.
  7. Don't forget your vocal warmup.
  8. Or your pants.
  9. It is possible to do a show without air conditioning (in Washington DC in the summer), but it's not pleasant.
  10. It is possible to do a show without a vocal warmup, but it's not pleasant.
  11. It is possible to do a show without pants.


Lynn Ruehlmann said...

Love this post, Tim. You are so funny, and yet I totally get the picture!

Ben Egerman said...

this post is pretty amazing, Tim. Thanks for the kind words on DC Theatre Scene. It was wonderful meeting you and getting to chat and see your show. Hope we get another chance some time.

Tim said...

I'm not joking about the pants.

Or the air conditioning.

Anonymous said...

I am laughing out LOUD! I love this post, too, Tim. Thanks for writing it, and congratulations on your hot (hee hee) run in DC.

Hope Baugh
Indy Theatre Habit

Unknown said...

Tell us some more about your experience at the Capital Fringe. Was your show accepted well? Did people get it? How many shows did you do? What were the crowds like?