March 08, 2014

"My" Stories are Your Stories

Recently, after an evening of telling ancient folktales to adults, I heard two comments from listeners:

"I needed to hear that chilling folktale about the mother who couldn't bear to see her daughter marry a snake. It allowed me to look at my own emotions about my own daughter's engagement in a new light."
"Tim, I love that you tell the old folktales and fairy tales. Because those are my stories."

These comments remind me of why I stick to my preferred genre, despite its relative lack of popularity on stage.


Donna Washington - Storyteller said...

Tim, I know how you feel. I love telling folktales and fairytales and traditional stuff. I'm doing a tour through Canada, and loving the reception I'm getting from these old tales. Keep doing it, Tim. We need the stories. More now than ever.

Abhishek Kumar said...
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